EXHIBITIONS IN PORTUGAL 1975-1990 1975 - 1990 Lisbon Individual Exhibitions 1981, 1983, 1985 Participation in several Collective Exhibitions 1987 Listed in 'Dicionario de pintores e escultores Portugueses'
EXHIBITIONS AND PROJECTS 1999 - 2006 March 2006 Exhibition , Chelsea Town Hall , Children's paintings, Part of the Plural Project 2005 Painting   “The   Garden   Where   Pain   Does   Not   Enter”   used   as   a   backdrop   and   a   theme   for   a   theatre performance , THE GAME by Diabolo Dance company, Taiwan 1999 – 2018 "The Plural" A project of ethical education through art - teaching children the technique of Lilia's painting. Working   with   a   variety   of   schools   and   ages,   children   learn   the   technique   The   Variations   on   the   Theme of the Quadrangle and work in groups. The work has a therapeutic quality. April 2002 Launch of the book "Lilia Pegado, Painter of the Future" by Prof. Luis Sousa Rebelo April 2002 - May 2002 GF2 Gallery, Soho - London Exhibition - Lilia Pegado - Retrospective June 2001 - July 2001 Tate Local, South Lambeth Library - London Exhibition - White Paintings Part of the Stockwell and Vauxhall Festivals 2001 November 1999 – June 2000 "O Quadrado" A project for the children attending Portuguese language classes October 1999 Pump House Gallery - London Solo Exhibition, Dedicated "to the colour green" February 1999 Canning House – London Solo Exhibition, Dedicated to Jorge Luis Borges
BIOGRAPHY Born: Luanda, Angola, Africa, May 2, 1954. Moved to Portugal: 1975, following Angolan Independence Moved to UK: 1990