FAIRLY TALES, (?.6.41) 1995, London
85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper 102 x 77 cm Mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm collage, mixed media on paper
In   the   section   of   twenty   eight   works   that   appear   under   the   title   of   Fairy   Tales,   which   include religions   and   political   systems   (collage),   she   deals   with   patterns,   whose   combination   and assembling are seductive but dismembered against a background of changing colouring. The   cryptic   tone   of   these   formations   in   their   abstract   agility,   their   hieratic   austerity   and mysterious   gentleness,   translate   the   effect   of   the   holy   and   the   fascination   it   exerts   on   the mind.   A   mixed   feeling   of   wonder   and   confusion,   of   light   and   darkness,   of   primeval   force   and totemic    authority    pervades    all    these    pictures.    Parallel    bars    of    white    flames    fill    in    the imaginary space, reproducing the visual echo of fairy tales.
FAIRLY TALES, (20.6.41) 1995, London FAIRLY TALES - WHY DO I LOVE RED? (19.6.41) 1995, London FAIRLY TALES, (21.6.41) 1995, London FAIRLY TALES, (22.6.41) 1995, London FAIRLY TALES, (June 41) 1995, London FAIRLY TALES, (23.6.41) 1995, London FAIRLY TALES, (41) 1995, London FAIRLY TALES, (June 41) 1995, London FAIRLY TALES, (June 41) 1995, London FAIRLY TALES, (June 41) 1995, London FAIRLY TALES, (June 41) 1995, London