85 x 60 cm mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm mixed media on paper 85 x 60 cm mixed media on paper
In   her   meditations   on   the   Octagon   -   the   superimposition   of   the   two   halves,   represented   by the   Quadrangle   -   she   returns   to   one   of   her   favourite   themes   in   the   compositions   addressed to Massimo Meu Amor. This   return   is   announced   by   the   presence   of   the   eight-point   star   -   the   geometric   equivalent of   the   Octagon.   A   presence   that   in   the   artist's   horizon   retains   the   divine   qualities   of   an announcement   that   happened   from   nowhere   and   shines   through   all   her   pictures   as   a   sign   of the dawn of a new world. The   lines   of   human   communication,   suggesting   encounters   of   the   loved   ones   and   energies generated   by   them,   move   in   waves   of   balletic   gracefulness   through   beautiful   tones   of   silver and gold over blue and green of great intensity. The   eight-point   star   poses   also   the   need   of   a   new   language   to   express   the   message   it   brings to   the   world.   A   new   language   that   has   to   be   created   from   the   ones   we   use   in   everyday conversation and is made out of our own alphabet.
OCTAGON - TO MASSIMO MEU AMOR (22.4.40) 1995 London OCTAGON - TO MASSIMO MEU AMOR (23.4.40) 1995 London OCTAGON - TO MASSIMO MEU AMOR (40) 1995 London OCTAGON - TO MASSIMO MEU AMOR (40) 1995 London