70 x 57 cm acrylic on paper 70 x 57 cm acrylic on paper 70 x 57 cm acrylic on paper 70 x 57 cm acrylic on paper
The   artist's   interest   in   the   letters   of   the   alphabet   leads   to   their   combination   into   syllables and   words,   which   are   the   units   of   the   phonemic   chain   that   makes   the   sentence.   But   she   goes beyond   that.   She   captures   the   physical   being   of   the   word   and   treats   it   with   the   attention   and the care one dispenses to a fragile creature. In   the   pictures   gathered   under   the   title   The   Sound   of   the   Word,   she   reveals,   in   the   delicate touch   and   soft   tone   of   colour,   a   deep   sense   of   responsibility   for   the   usage   of   language.   Its importance   as   the   most   generalised   form   of   communication,   exposed   to   violent   feelings   and ideological   manipulations,   is   crucial   for   the   mental   and   physical   well   being   of   the   individual and the community. By   implication   the   pain   that   afflicts   human   beings   and   the   social   ills   that   affect   society   are excluded   from   the   semantic   fields   explored   by   the   artist,   but   never   forgotten   or   ignored   in her concern for human life.
70 x 57 cm acrylic on paper 70 x 57 cm acrylic on paper 70 x 57 cm acrylic on paper 85 x 60 cm Acrylic on paper THE SOUND OF THE WORD - PARA O BRUNO TAMBEM MEU AMOR (15.5.41) 1995 London THE SOUND OF THE WORD (15.5.41) 1995 London THE SOUND OF THE WORD (15.5.41) 1995 London THE SOUND OF THE WORD (15.5.41) 1995 London THE SOUND OF THE WORD (May 41) 1995 London THE SOUND OF THE WORD (May 41) 1995 London THE SOUND OF THE WORD (May 41) 1995 London